The Memoirs of Father Shiron




        There's lots of 'The Memoirs.......' already written and, just like a real book, as it unfolds here you may want a handy bookmark to take you straight to the chapter you want.  Planetangus is pleased to provide its very own bookmarks to make finding your place again a pleasure rather than a pain.

How much of 'The Memoirs.......' are published so far?  Check the progress meter below.

65% complete



Poem - An Ode to Binabik



Part 1 - The Birth of a Legend

Part 2 - The First Friend

Part 3 - Life's a Beach

Part 4 - Home Truths

Part 5 - B&B

Part 6 - Going Down

Part 7 - Sounds of Silence

Part 8 - Bone of Contention

Part 9 - First Blood

Part 10 - Lights. Camera. Action

Part 11 - May The Force Be With You

Part 12 - Ghosties & Goolies






Fantasy page
